This is one of the hedgehogs that comes to feed in my garden. It likes to feast on fatballs, dried mealworms and suet pellets. Did climb up on to my other feeder which contains a crumble of peanuts, sunflower hearts, dried mealworms and suet. Is beginning to be a regular visitor now.
this is the nest of a wren that i found in a railway cutting. A pouch like nest with a small opening. This particular one i suspect is still in the building stage.

In the same railway cutting i did find the nest of a blackbird which as you see has three eggs in it. I must stress that i never shood the bird away to get this shot. The bird had already left the nest by the time i got there. And i only stayed long enough to get this photo.

Further along my walk a peacock butterfly was flittering around. Did not think it would stay still long enough to get a shot. But with patience i was rewarded.
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